soap making

Soap making tips and tricks for beginner’s to artisans.

Essential Oils for Soap Making: Harnessing Nature’s Aromas for Your Handcrafted Soaps

essential oils for soap makingIntroduction to Essential Oils

Essential oils are more than just natural fragrances; they are the soul of plants, capturing their essence, scent, and therapeutic properties. Extracted from flowers, leaves, bark, and roots through processes like steam distillation, cold pressing, and solvent extraction, these potent oils have been used for centuries in aromatherapy, medicine, and personal care products.

What Are Essential Oils?

At their core, essential oils are concentrated plant extracts that retain the natural smell and flavor, or “essence,” of their source. They are called “essential” because they contain the essence of a plant’s fragrance. Each oil has a unique composition of chemicals that gives it its specific aroma and therapeutic properties.

How Are Essential Oils Extracted?

The most common method of extraction is steam distillation, where steam is passed through plant material. The steam carries the volatile compounds to a condenser, where they are cooled back into a liquid form. Other methods include cold pressing, typically used for citrus peel oils, and solvent extraction, used for delicate materials that might be damaged by heat.

Why Use Essential Oils in Soap Making?

Essential oils offer a natural alternative to synthetic fragrances in soap making. Not only do they impart a wide range of natural scents to handmade soaps, but they also bring various skin benefits and therapeutic effects, from calming lavender to invigorating peppermint. Using essential oils, soap makers can create products that not only cleanse but also nourish the skin and enhance mental well-being.

Moreover, incorporating essential oils into soap making aligns with the growing consumer desire for products that are environmentally friendly and free from synthetic chemicals. They allow soap makers to craft a product that is both gentle on the skin and kind to the planet.

In the following sections, we’ll dive deeper into the benefits of using essential oils in soaps, how to choose the right oils for your creations, and tips for blending them to achieve your desired scent profile and therapeutic effects.

Benefits of Using Essential Oils in Soaps

Incorporating essential oils into soap making does more than just add fragrance; it infuses the soap with natural compounds that can offer a range of therapeutic benefits. From enhancing psychological well-being to providing physical health benefits, essential oils make handmade soaps a holistic experience. Let’s explore some of these benefits:

Natural Antimicrobial Properties

Many essential oils, such as tea tree oil, possess natural antimicrobial and antiseptic properties, making them ideal for cleansing and protecting the skin. Tea tree oil, in particular, is renowned for its ability to combat bacteria, fungi, and viruses, making it a popular choice for soaps intended for acne-prone or oily skin.

Skin Nourishment and Healing

Essential oils like lavender and chamomile are praised for their skin-soothing and healing properties. Lavender oil can help calm irritation, reduce redness, and promote relaxation, while chamomile oil is known for its anti-inflammatory effects, making it perfect for sensitive or inflamed skin.

Aromatherapy and Emotional Well-Being

The scents of essential oils can have a profound impact on our mood and emotions through the principles of aromatherapy. For instance, orange and lemon oils are uplifting and can help brighten one’s mood, while eucalyptus and peppermint oils are stimulating and can help enhance focus and energy. Incorporating these scents into soaps can turn a simple shower into an uplifting or calming ritual, depending on the chosen oils.

Antioxidant Protection

Essential oils such as rosemary and carrot seed offer antioxidant properties, which can help protect the skin from environmental stressors like pollution and UV radiation. These antioxidants can help to prevent premature aging and maintain healthy skin.

Customization and Personalization

One of the most significant benefits of using essential oils in soap making is the ability to create a wide range of scents and therapeutic profiles. Whether you’re crafting soaps for personal use, gifts, or sale, essential oils allow you to tailor your creations to suit specific preferences and needs. This level of customization is not easily achieved with synthetic fragrances.

Environmental Benefits

Lastly, using essential oils in soaps supports a move towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. Unlike synthetic fragrances, which can contain harmful chemicals and contribute to environmental pollution, essential oils are derived from natural sources and are generally considered to be more eco-friendly.

Choosing the Right Essential Oils

Selecting high-quality essential oils for soap making is crucial not only for the scent of your final product but also for its therapeutic benefits and overall skin compatibility. Understanding the characteristics of essential oils, including their scent notes and how they blend together, can help you create a harmonious and lasting aroma for your handmade soaps.

Selecting High-Quality Essential Oils

Purity: Look for essential oils that are 100% pure, without any additives or dilutions. Pure oils will provide the best scent and therapeutic benefits.

Source: Consider the source of the essential oils. Reputable suppliers will provide information about the oil’s botanical name, origin, and extraction method, ensuring you’re getting a high-quality product.

Organic: Whenever possible, opt for organic essential oils. These are extracted from plants that have been grown without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers, which is better for your skin and the environment.

Packaging: Essential oils should be packaged in dark glass bottles to protect them from light, which can degrade the oil over time. Ensure the bottle is sealed properly to maintain the oil’s integrity.

Understanding Notes

Essential oils are categorized into top, middle, and base notes, each playing a distinct role in the overall scent profile of your soap:

Top Notes: These are the first scents you detect and tend to be light, fresh, and uplifting, but they also evaporate quickly. Examples include citrus oils like lemon and bergamot, and herbaceous oils like peppermint.

Middle Notes: Often considered the heart of the fragrance, middle notes emerge just before the top notes dissipate. They are generally well-rounded and harmonize the blend. Floral oils like lavender and geranium, and spicy oils like nutmeg, are common middle notes.

Base Notes: These scents are the last to develop and linger the longest. Base notes are typically rich, deep, and grounding, providing the foundation of the scent blend. Examples include woody or resinous oils like cedarwood and frankincense.

Creating a Balanced Scent Profile

To create a balanced and appealing scent for your soap, consider blending top, middle, and base notes. Start with a basic formula of 30% top notes, 50% middle notes, and 20% base notes, adjusting according to your preference and the characteristics of the individual oils.

Experimentation: Blending essential oils is both an art and a science. Experiment with different combinations to find what works best for you. Small-scale testing is key before committing to a large batch.

Synergy: Look for oils that naturally complement each other. Citrus oils blend well with floral and herbaceous notes, while woody scents pair nicely with citrus and floral aromas.

Consider the Soap’s Use: Think about the soap’s intended use or the preferences of the person who will be using it. For example, a soap intended for evening use might benefit from relaxing oils like lavender or chamomile, while a morning shower soap might be more invigorating with grapefruit or eucalyptus.

Choosing the right essential oils for your soap can elevate the simple act of cleansing into a truly sensory and beneficial experience. By selecting high-quality oils and crafting thoughtful blends, you can create soaps that delight the senses and nourish the body.

This guide should help you confidently select and blend essential oils for your soap making projects, ensuring a product that’s as enjoyable to smell as it is to use.

Popular Essential Oils and Their Properties

In the world of soap making, certain essential oils have gained popularity not just for their delightful scents but also for their unique properties that can enhance the soap’s benefits. Here are some of the most cherished essential oils in soap making, along with the properties they bring to your handmade creations.


Properties: Peppermint oil is renowned for its crisp, invigorating scent and cooling sensation on the skin. It has natural antimicrobial properties, making it an excellent choice for cleansing and refreshing soaps.

Uses in Soap: Ideal for morning showers or foot soaps, peppermint can awaken the senses and provide a cooling effect, which is especially appreciated in the hot summer months.


Properties: Eucalyptus essential oil is prized for its sharp, clean aroma and its ability to help clear respiratory pathways. It also has antibacterial and antiviral properties, contributing to a soap that can help alleviate cold symptoms.

Uses in Soap: Eucalyptus is perfect for a refreshing shower that can help clear the mind and sinuses, making it a go-to choice for cold and flu season.


Properties: With its gentle, apple-like fragrance, chamomile oil is known for its calming and soothing effects on both the mind and skin. It’s particularly beneficial for sensitive or irritated skin due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Uses in Soap: Chamomile-infused soaps are excellent for evening routines, helping to soothe the skin and relax the senses before bedtime.


Properties: Lavender oil is perhaps the most versatile and widely used essential oil in soap making. It’s celebrated for its relaxing scent and its ability to promote skin healing, thanks to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Uses in Soap: Suitable for all skin types, lavender soaps are perfect for unwinding after a long day, promoting a sense of peace and relaxation.

Tea Tree

Properties: Tea tree oil is highly regarded for its powerful antimicrobial and antifungal properties. It’s a great choice for acne-prone skin, helping to clear and soothe blemishes.

Uses in Soap: Soaps with tea tree oil are excellent for facial bars or body soaps targeted at blemish-prone or oily skin.


Properties: Lemon oil, with its bright, citrusy aroma, is known for its cleansing and astringent qualities. It can help to rejuvenate and tighten the skin, making it appear more vibrant and youthful.

Uses in Soap: Lemon-scented soaps are perfect for kitchen soaps, as they help eliminate odors and cleanse the skin deeply.


Properties: Rosemary essential oil has a distinctive woody fragrance and is known for its ability to stimulate circulation and promote mental clarity. It also has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.

Uses in Soap: Ideal for morning showers, rosemary-infused soaps can help invigorate the senses and boost mental alertness.

Each of these essential oils can be used alone or blended with others to create custom scents and benefits tailored to specific needs and preferences. By understanding the properties of these popular essential oils, you can craft soaps that not only clean but also provide a therapeutic experience.


Blending Essential Oils: Crafting Your Signature Scent

Blending essential oils for soap making is an art form that allows you to create unique scent profiles that can elevate your handmade soaps from simply cleansing to truly mesmerizing. Here are some tips and basics to help you master the craft of scent blending and achieve the desired outcomes in your soaps.

Understand the Fragrance Wheel

The fragrance wheel is a valuable tool for understanding how different scents relate to each other. It can help you identify which essential oils might blend well together by grouping scents into families such as floral, citrus, woody, and herbal. Oils from complementary families often create harmonious blends.

Follow the Rule of Three

A balanced blend usually consists of top, middle, and base notes. Start with the rule of thirds:

  • 30% top note: The initial, lightest scent that hits the nose first but evaporates quickly.
  • 50% middle note: The heart of the blend, offering balance and bridging the top and base notes.
  • 20% base note: The deep, rich scents that linger the longest, providing depth to the blend.

Adjust these ratios based on the strength of your oils and personal preference.

Experiment with Blends

Start small by mixing just two or three oils to see how they complement each other. Use blotting strips or cotton balls to test your blends outside of the soap making process, allowing the scents to meld together before deciding on the final ratios.

Keep Detailed Notes

Document every experiment, including the oils used, quantities, and your impressions of the blend. Over time, you’ll develop a library of recipes and learn from both successes and adjustments.

Consider the Soap’s Purpose

The intended use of the soap can guide your blending choices. For a relaxing bedtime bar, you might choose a blend of lavender and chamomile. For an energizing morning shower, a combination of citrus and mint might be perfect.

Safety First

Remember that essential oils are potent, and their effects can be amplified when blended. Always adhere to recommended usage rates to prevent skin irritation, and consider the potential for allergic reactions.

Examples of Blends

  • Energizing: Grapefruit (top) + Rosemary (middle) + Cedarwood (base)
  • Relaxing: Lavender (top/middle) + Bergamot (top) + Frankincense (base)
  • Refreshing: Peppermint (top) + Eucalyptus (middle) + Patchouli (base)

Blending essential oils is a creative process that allows for endless experimentation. Embrace the journey of discovering how different oils interact, and enjoy the process of creating something truly unique. Your perfect blend not only adds a personal touch to your soaps but also enhances the bathing experience with every lather.

Safety and Usage Guidelines for Essential Oils in Soap Making

Incorporating essential oils into your soap making can transform your creations with delightful aromas and beneficial properties. However, it’s crucial to use these potent extracts safely to ensure your soaps are gentle and enjoyable for all skin types. Here are key guidelines to follow when adding essential oils to your soap formulations:

Understanding Safe Concentrations

The concentration of essential oils in your soap formulation is paramount to ensuring safety and preventing skin irritation. As a general rule, the usage rate for essential oils in soap is typically between 0.5% to 3% of the total weight of oils in the recipe. However, this can vary depending on the specific oil and its dermal limits as outlined by reputable sources like the International Fragrance Association (IFRA).

Recommendations for Sensitive Skin

When formulating soaps intended for sensitive skin, err on the side of caution by using essential oils at the lower end of the recommended usage range. Additionally, choose essential oils known for their skin-soothing properties, such as lavender, chamomile, and calendula, and avoid those known to be potential irritants or allergens, like cinnamon or some citrus oils.

Patch Testing

Encourage users of your soaps, especially those with sensitive skin, to perform a patch test before using a new soap widely. This can help identify any adverse reactions in a controlled manner.

Allergen Awareness

Be aware that some essential oils contain allergens that can trigger reactions in sensitive individuals. Proper labeling of your soaps to include all ingredients, with a focus on potential allergens, is not only good practice but may also be a legal requirement in your jurisdiction.

Proper Handling and Storage

  • Dilution: Always dilute essential oils appropriately before adding them to your soap mixture. Direct contact with undiluted essential oils can cause skin irritation or reactions.
  • Storage: Store essential oils in a cool, dark place to maintain their integrity and potency. Proper storage also minimizes the risk of degradation or oxidation, which can alter the safety profile of the oil.

Educate Yourself

Before using a new essential oil, take the time to research its properties, benefits, and any safety concerns. Reputable sources include academic publications, professional aromatherapy associations, and certified aromatherapists.

Record Keeping

Maintain detailed records of the essential oils used in each batch of soap, including the supplier, batch number, and the concentration used. This practice is invaluable for tracking usage, ensuring consistency, and addressing any potential issues or questions from users.

By adhering to these safety and usage guidelines, you can create soaps that are not only aromatic and beneficial but also safe and enjoyable for everyone to use. Remember, the goal is to enhance the soap-making and using experience without compromising on safety.

Sustainable and Ethical Sourcing of Essential Oils

In the realm of soap making, the choice of essential oils is not just about aroma and therapeutic benefits; it’s also about the impact those choices have on the environment and communities around the world. Sustainable and ethical sourcing of essential oils ensures that our creations are not only good for the body and mind but also kind to the planet and fair to the people who cultivate and produce these precious oils.

The Importance of Sustainable Sourcing

Biodiversity Protection: Many essential oils come from plants that are wild-harvested, making them vulnerable to overexploitation and potential endangerment. Sustainable sourcing practices ensure that these plants can regenerate and thrive, maintaining biodiversity.

Soil and Water Conservation: Sustainable farming practices for essential oil crops include measures that protect the soil from erosion and prevent water contamination, ensuring that agriculture remains harmonious with the ecosystem.

Climate Change Mitigation: By choosing essential oils from sources that prioritize renewable energy and carbon footprint reduction, soap makers can contribute to the global effort against climate change.

Ethical Sourcing Considerations

Fair Labor Practices: Ethical sourcing guarantees fair wages and safe working conditions for the farmers and distillers who work tirelessly to produce essential oils. It supports communities and helps prevent exploitative labor practices.

Supporting Local Communities: Ethically sourced essential oils often come from small-scale producers and cooperatives that reinvest in their communities, providing healthcare, education, and social services.

Preserving Traditional Knowledge: Ethical sourcing respects and compensates the traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples and local communities, ensuring that their expertise in plant cultivation and oil extraction is recognized and preserved.

How to Source Ethically and Sustainably

Look for Certifications: Certifications like Fair Trade, Rainforest Alliance, and organic certifications can indicate that essential oils have been sourced following stringent environmental and social standards.

Research Brands and Suppliers: Choose suppliers who are transparent about their sourcing practices, participate in sustainability programs, and are committed to ethical business practices.

Consider the Source: Whenever possible, opt for essential oils derived from plants that are abundantly available or cultivated rather than those that are wild-harvested, to avoid contributing to overharvesting and habitat destruction.

Educate Yourself and Others: Stay informed about the issues facing essential oil crops and share your knowledge with your community. Awareness is the first step toward making more responsible choices.

By prioritizing sustainable and ethical sourcing of essential oils, soap makers can ensure that their craft contributes to the well-being of the planet and its inhabitants. This approach not only enhances the intrinsic value of the soaps we create but also aligns with a broader commitment to environmental stewardship and social responsibility.

DIY Soap Recipes with Essential Oils

1. Lavender Bliss Soap


  • 500g olive oil
  • 300g coconut oil
  • 200g shea butter
  • 143g lye (sodium hydroxide)
  • 380ml distilled water
  • 30ml lavender essential oil
  • Dried lavender buds for topping (optional)


  1. Carefully mix the lye into the distilled water and set aside to cool.
  2. Melt the shea butter with the coconut and olive oils in a large pot over low heat.
  3. Once the lye water and oils are both around 110°F (43°C), slowly pour the lye water into the oils, blending with a stick blender until reaching light trace.
  4. Add the lavender essential oil and blend until just incorporated.
  5. Pour the soap batter into a mold, sprinkle with dried lavender buds if desired, and cover with a piece of cardboard.
  6. After 24-48 hours, unmold and cut into bars. Cure for 4-6 weeks.

2. Citrus Sunrise Soap


  • 500g olive oil
  • 250g coconut oil
  • 250g palm oil (ensure sustainable sourcing)
  • 136g lye (sodium hydroxide)
  • 380ml distilled water
  • 15ml sweet orange essential oil
  • 15ml grapefruit essential oil
  • Orange zest for color and texture (optional)


  1. Prepare the lye solution and let it cool.
  2. Melt the oils together and cool to around 110°F (43°C).
  3. Combine the lye water with the oils, blending to trace.
  4. Mix in the essential oils and orange zest if using.
  5. Pour into molds, cover, and after setting, cut into bars. Allow curing.

3. Peppermint & Tea Tree Charcoal Soap


  • 400g coconut oil
  • 400g olive oil
  • 200g almond oil
  • 142g lye (sodium hydroxide)
  • 380ml distilled water
  • 20ml peppermint essential oil
  • 10ml tea tree essential oil
  • 2 tablespoons activated charcoal


  1. Mix lye into water carefully and set aside to cool.
  2. Heat the oils together until liquid, then cool to 110°F (43°C).
  3. Slowly add the lye water to the oils, blending to trace.
  4. Divide the batch; mix activated charcoal into one half.
  5. Layer or swirl the two mixtures in the mold. Add essential oils and mix gently.
  6. After setting, unmold, cut, and cure as usual.

Encouragement to Experiment

These recipes are just starting points. Feel free to adjust the types and amounts of essential oils based on your scent preferences and desired soap qualities. Mixing and matching essential oils can create unique scent profiles that personalize your soap. Always remember to calculate your lye amounts properly if you make adjustments to the oil blends, and conduct a small test batch when trying new combinations.

FAQs About Essential Oils in Soap Making

How long do essential oils last in soap?

Answer: The shelf life of essential oils in soap can vary depending on the oil used and storage conditions. Citrus essential oils tend to evaporate more quickly, potentially fading within a few months, while heavier base note oils like patchouli or sandalwood can last much longer. Storing soap in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight helps preserve the fragrance longer.

Can essential oils cause allergies when used in soap?

Answer: Yes, essential oils can cause allergic reactions for some people when used in soap. It’s important to be aware of common allergens, such as cinnamon or some citrus oils, and to use all essential oils at safe concentrations. Offering a patch test or listing all ingredients can help users identify potential sensitivities.

Are essential oils in soap cost-effective?

Answer: While essential oils can be more expensive than synthetic fragrances, their concentrated nature means that a little goes a long way. Additionally, the value they add in terms of natural scent, therapeutic benefits, and product appeal can outweigh the cost. Bulk purchasing or using blends can also be more cost-effective.

Can I use any essential oil in soap making?

Answer: While many essential oils can be used in soap making, some are not recommended due to skin irritation risks or high allergen potential. Always research and follow recommended usage rates for soap making, and consider the oil’s impact on skin sensitivity.

How can I ensure my essential oil scent lasts longer in soap?

Answer: To maximize the longevity of essential oil scents in your soap, consider using a higher proportion of base note oils, which evaporate more slowly than top notes. Encapsulating essential oils in clay or salt before adding them to the soap mix can also help to anchor the fragrance.

Encouragement to Explore

Embarking on the journey of soap making with essential oils opens up a world of creativity and personal expression. Each oil brings its unique scent and properties, allowing you to craft soaps that are not just cleansing bars but personalized experiences. Whether it’s the invigorating zest of citrus for a morning boost or the calming embrace of lavender for nighttime relaxation, the possibilities are as boundless as your imagination.

Experiment with Confidence

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different blends and concentrations. Soap making is as much about discovery as it is about creation. Each batch is an opportunity to learn, adjust, and perfect your craft. Remember, the most memorable and cherished soaps are often the result of bold experimentation.

Share Your Creations

Soap making with essential oils is not just about the end product; it’s about the journey. Share your creations and experiences with the community. Whether it’s through social media, local markets, or soap making forums, becoming part of the wider soap making community can provide inspiration, feedback, and encouragement.

Keep Learning

The world of essential oils is vast, with each oil having its history, properties, and uses. Continuously learning about different oils and their benefits can inspire new soap creations and innovations. Workshops, books, and online resources can be invaluable in expanding your knowledge and skills.

Dive into the fascinating world of soap making with essential oils, and let your creativity lead the way. Each bar of soap you create is a reflection of your personal touch and vision, enriched by the natural essence of the earth. Explore, experiment, and enjoy the journey of bringing your unique soap creations to life.